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SDS Project Administrator - Rotorua

We are seeking a detail-oriented professional for a short-term temp assignment, approximately 6-8 weeks based in Rotorua.  This role will support their Safety Data Sheet (SDS) management compliance project. 

Key Responsibilities include;
  • Update and maintain SDS management system
  • Ensure comprehensive compliance with HSNO regulations
  • Review and verify current Safety Data Sheets for raw materials, intermediates, and final products
  • Electronically file and organize SDS documentation
  • Compare and update Chemwatch SDS records
  • Coordinate SDS uploads to Chemwatch and LN systems
  • Develop and maintain inventory spreadsheets
  • Proactively communicate with suppliers regarding SDS documentation
Ideally you will have;
  • A background in Health & Safety, Compliance, Chemistry, or Laboratory Sciences
  • Strong Excel skills
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Ability to work independently
  • Excellent organisational capabilities
For further information and to apply - please apply online with your CV and Cover Letter attached.  Applications are treated as confidential and are encouraged to be submitted as soon as possible. 

Applicants for this role must have NZ residency or a valid work visa.

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