This page exists to help you use and understand our web site and app privacy policy. We value your privacy and take every step to ensure that your information remains confidential.
How your information will be collected
As a user of Talent ID’s website you may choose to register online for employment opportunities. From your registration we collect personal information from you which may include (but is not limited to) your contact details, work history, skills, education, qualifications, and other personal details relevant to an employment application. We may also collect information from you through phone, digital, and face to face interviews, email, and the following entities when we are assisting you with an employment application: organisations and individuals where your permission has been obtained to access referees, organisations that supply pre-employment vetting services such as educational checks, criminal and credit checks, and the like.
Talent ID uses cookies for the purposes of enabling a more efficient navigation system while you are using our site, promoting brand profile, and to track analytics about our site to improve our service.
If you do not provide us with all the information, we require we may be limited in our ability to put you forward for employment opportunities.
How your personal information will be used
Any information supplied may be made available to:
- Talent ID’s own recruiters who are involved in the employment application process
- Potential employers - your permission will be sought before information is passed on;
Storage of your personal information
The information we collect is stored on a secure data base and Talent ID will take reasonable steps to protect this information.
Information will not be provided to any other parties without your permission, except as required by law.
We will use all reasonable safeguards to protect your information against loss or misuse, or disclosure in any way other than for the express purpose of assisting you with your employment application.
Whilst Talent ID may provide links to other websites, we do not take responsibility for the privacy practices of these sites.
Access to your personal information
This Privacy Policy may be reviewed by Talent ID from time to time and we reserve the right to update it as we deem necessary.